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9 crazy things to avoid after a break -up

Written By MWAYANGASPORTS on Thursday, 5 February 2015 | 19:26

Break-ups happen to all of us, but it’s all about how you bounce back.

People seem to get super crazy when heartbreak hits. They make horrible decisions that prevent them from finding love again for a really long time. We’re here to tell you what mistakes to avoid so you don’t become the newest victim. 

1. Quick rebound - People’s first reaction to a break-up is to get wasted and have a quick one-night stand with some random stranger. While it may feel good for a few minutes, you’ll just wake up with regret and missing your old thang.

2. Jumping into a new relationship - Some people don’t just rush into a quick sexcapade, they rush right into a new relationship when they’re still recovering from their old relationship. That never ends well.

3. Screwing the homie - Revenge sex. It happens to the best of us. You may not want to just have rebound booty, but you want to have rebound booty with someone that hurts your ex. But you’ll totally feel like a tool afterwards.

4. Make drastic physical changes - We see people in horrible break-ups suddenly pop up looking different. Don’t be that person that gets the “I’m Over You” tattoo or shaves your head.

5. Try too hard to get that person back - Don’t send the letters and call with the begging. It just freaks the other person out. Play it cool and try to have a chat about getting back together. But you gotta learn that no means no.

6. Don’t STALK!!! - And when all of those attempts get out of hand, you may lead into the land of stalking. Then the police get involved and you’re the crazy person that nobody wants to date. Oh yeah, stalking includes daily Facebook checks, Twitter checks and attempts to steal passwords. 

7. Faking pregnancy - Ladies, this is for you. Don’t try to reel him in by faking like you’re knocked up. Yeah, he might go crazy. And he’d have good reason to for you ruining his life.

8. Bug the family - There’s nothing worse than trying to go to a family venue and see your ex there, palling around with mom and dad. Exes should just stop acting like they’re still part of the family when the relationship is over.

9. Release your private videos - It’s 2015. Everyone makes home movies. But they’re totally private. Don’t be the worst person in the world and have your former lover on adult sites to the joy of losers across the world.



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