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Is it really possible to tame a man?

Written By MWAYANGASPORTS on Thursday, 5 February 2015 | 19:10

When we hear of witch doctors the first thing we think of is weird rituals being performed at midnight and people with weird dressing including bones, shells and other scary details.

Years ago a woman who was troubled by her husband, who was always battering and mistreating her all the time sought the help of a witchdoctor.

The witch doctor being a wise man asked the woman to describe her husband in one word, and she said “leopard”

The woman was however told by the witchdoctor that the day she will bring him a leopard’s fur is the day he will help her with her problem.

The woman left disappointed but she was determined to change her situation. She went to the forest and started following leopards tracks and after months of searching she found one. She went at the track for days and the days turned to months till she met the leopard.

On the first encounter with the leopard it roared out loudly and scared the woman away.
She did not give up and went again after months and this time she kept water by its path, the leopard hit the basin of water away and walked away. After some more months the woman placed some well cooked meat by its path and again it hit the food and walked away.

At the moment the woman had monitored the trend of the leopard and this time placed a bowl of fresh blood, the leopard smelt it and still walked away.

The next time she placed a rabbit which was freshly killed the leopard licked it and left. The woman became hopeful, when the leopard passed again it lay down at the spot and the woman placed a freshly killed rabbit again this time it ate quietly and left.

On the last encounter the leopard actually went to the woman and took a lap at her feet. She was gripped with lots of fears but tolerated it, she placed the rabbit at its foot and as it ate she rubbed it back and managed to pluck some fur.

She jolted hurriedly to the witch doctor and the witchdoctor told her to do exactly the same things as she did to the leopard and be assured that her man will love her and never mistreat her.

“Just like you tamed the leopard, you can tame your husband!” the witch doctor said.
Question is: is it really possible to tame arrogant and violent men? 




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